
The term ‘Biblio’ means related to books. And the term ‘Buddha’ means Enlighted One, a Knower. As our name suggests, we serve businesses with wisdom, knowledge and a deeper understanding to enable them to be rooted in the fundamentals to create a fast-paced success story.
BiblioBuddha is a multi-disciplinary independently owned Strategic Foundational Design Company. We are one of the few companies across the globe that focus only on Strategic Foundational Designs. We create unique energy, permanent value and exponentially fast-growing business valuations for businesses. We lay the foundation to create high-power business success stories.

We create Strategic Foundational Designs for businesses to make it the keystone of their business success and their exponential fast growth.

What: Strategic Foundational Designs are Fundamental Designs that flow out of the client’s business strategy that incorporate the fundamental universal elements. Strategic Foundational Designs have the stickiness to get glued in mind space, synchronises vibrations and frequencies for a high recall, works out a kaleidoscope of different take outs for different audiences, creates deep memories and unique first-hand profound experiences.

Why: Strategic Foundational Designs are the second most important aspect in modern business thinking after the prime importance of Strategy in business. If the Strategic Foundational Designs are not right, the businesses lose the entire investment and the future of that investment. If the Strategic Foundational Designs are perfect the businesses flourishes into the future and grows exponentially fast to grow 10x and more of revenues and profits. A perfect Strategic Foundational Design also fights the competitor moves in the market automatically to a great extent by bringing clarity in customer mindsets.


We power businesses with Strategic Foundational Designs. But, we also mentor startups.

How: All our works are primarily focused on creating businesses successes and create the required energy for exponential fast growth. Our work encompasses naming and logos, brand identities and brand packaging, graphics and brand elements, brand experiences and customer take outs, typefaces and colour scheming, strategy and positioning.


Our structure is unique. We celebrate freedom. We synchronise cross-functional disciplines for every project. Every project is led by the Strategist with over a quarter of a century of experience in Strategy and Creative Direction. We study the future and the cultural context for every design. We are probably the only company in Strategic Foundational Design where the leadership is the primary contact for clients at the business owners’ level and serve as the creators of work. This reflects our conviction that great design cannot happen without passion, intelligence, personal commitment and- above all- the guidance of the universe. Our work is demonstrated by a design portfolio of The Breakthrough Group spanning over 25 years, many industries and clients of every size.

Our Values

We believe in Oneness. We design ‘The One World of Love’ through all our projects. We seek wisdom and understand that the application of strategy is the application of wisdom in the reverse order – strategy is the reverse of wisdom. We passionately gather knowledge, understanding and insights on a daily basis for our own improvement. Every day, we strive to create the right energy for businesses that leads to exponential value. We practice honesty and humility. We understand that there is just a fine line that differentiates confidence from arrogance and also humility from servility – so we know we must take every stride of ours with grace and carefulness. We celebrate truth and truthfulness. We honour passion, commitment, intelligence and discipline. We create a work environment of freedom, fairness and friendships. We detest work politics and politics at work in offices. We take risks and trust our instincts to raise the bar to a crazy high-level day in and day out. We work hard every moment at work to express the defined right feeling and emotions through our designs. We work to ‘Make Thy World Beautiful’.

BiblioBuddha Services: Longlist

BiblioBuddha offers 360-degree services focused on Strategic Foundational Designs and everything in between.

If you send us an enquiry, we will let you know if that fits into our offerings and if we have the time availability to take up your project.

Here is our longlist of services to give you an idea of what our offerings are.

Analysis – Brand Elements

Analysis – Designs

Analysis – Logos

Brand Descriptions

Brand Elements

Brand Emotions

Brand Experiences

Brand Feeling Defining

Brand Graphics

Brand Identities

Brand Illustrations

Brand Imagery Fixing

Brand Logos

Brand Manuals

Brand Naming 

Brand Packaging

Brand Photography Execution in Total

Brand Photography Direction

Brand Photography Documents

Brand Photography Supervision

Brand Resonance

Brand Typeface Design

Brand Typeface Selection


Colour scheming

Customer Take Outs Listing

Customer Experience Mapping

Customer Journey

Digital Experiences

Digital Visualisation Positioning

Descriptions – Brands (www.storilines.com)

Descriptions – Products (www.storilines.com)

Descriptions – Social Media Page Introductions (www.storilines.com)

Design – Social Media Page Setting (www.oneidea1.com)

Domain Name Identification


Refresh – Designs

Refresh – Logos

Refresh – Brand Identities

Refresh – Packaging

Sound & Motion

Strategy Analysis

Strategy Consulting

Strategy Formulation

Strategy Implementation

Strategic Brand Identities

Strategic Domain Identification

Strategic Logos

Strategic Naming

Strategic Rebranding

Important Note on Legality: All legality regarding the Strategic Design Solution is checked and done only under client directions and using client’s legal luminaries as BiblioBuddha works with all industries and categories in different countries and it is impossible to keep up with changes in laws in each country for each industry and category. And most of all, it is certain that the Strategic Design Solutions that we deliver for every client will be used in multiple countries in the future as all our Strategic Design Solutions are created to conquer the global markets and step into the future.