A Quick Note on BiblioBuddha.

BiblioBuddha is a company owned by The Breakthrough Group under Matthai Co.

The term ‘Biblio’ means related to books. And the term ‘Buddha’ means Enlightened One, a Knower. As our name suggests, we serve businesses with wisdom, knowledge and a deeper understanding to enable them to be rooted in the fundamentals to create a fast-paced success story. BiblioBuddha is a multi-disciplinary independently owned Global Strategic Foundational Design Company. We are one of the few companies across the globe that focus only on Strategic Foundational Designs. We create unique energy, permanent value and exponentially fast-growing business valuations for businesses. We lay the foundation to create high-power business success stories.

What is Strategic Foundational Design?
Strategic Foundational Design is a design process in which designs originate within the Strategy Framework and the Brand Framework. They also integrate the fundamentals of the universe and the elements of life into the designs as a foundational element. Strategic Foundational Designs transcend the brand and the business from the physical realm into an intangible realm of influence. They exude a pre-defined feeling and create a particular emotion in human minds. Strategic Foundational Designs become the Foundational Fundamentals of the organisation. Strategic Foundational Designs grows and scales the business exponentially fast.

Type of Projects Undertaken
BiblioBuddha being a Global Strategic Foundational Design company takes up only the following type of projects.

  • Strategic Brand Naming
  • Strategic Brand Identity Designs
  • Strategic Brand Logos
  • Strategic Brand Packaging
  • Strategic Rebranding
  • Strategic Brand Repositioning
  • Strategic Brand Refresh
  • Strategic Brand Packaging Refresh

8D Biblio Method
BiblioBuddha uses the 8D Biblio Method to deliver solutions for all its projects.